Relevant Press
Businesses Pulled Back On ‘Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion’ Programs This Year, New Report Finds - Daily Wire
“The company review platform found that 41% of workplaces offered diversity programs as a benefit, a decline from 43% in 2021. Enthusiasm for such programs rose after the death of George Floyd and a resultant surge in social justice activism; 39% of companies offered diversity programs in 2020, compared to 29% in 2019.”
“Relatively small companies, those with fewer than 250 employees, accounted for nearly 80% of the 10.3 million job openings reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics at the end of October, according to an analysis by Aneta Markowska, chief financial economist at Jefferies.”
“Although 95% of downtown offices were occupied before the pandemic, that number now is about 47% more than 2½ years after coronavirus prompted lockdowns and mask/vaccine mandates, Business Insider reported.”
“The task force’s 2022 preliminary report analyzed five potential compensation areas, including housing discrimination, mass incarceration, unjust property seizures, devaluation of black businesses, and health care.”
Supreme Court Sympathetic to Christian Web Designer Who Opposes Colorado Law Forcing Her to Honor Same-Sex Weddings - The Epoch Times
“Left-wing activists have been targeting bakers for years for political purposes, asking Christian confectioners opposed to same-sex marriage to bake wedding cakes for gay marriage celebrations. When the bakers refuse to make the cakes, these activists sue under anti-discrimination laws, hoping to secure favorable legal precedents.”
RedBalloon in the News
“CEO Andrew Crapuchettes joins Addison Smith on One America News Network to discuss the attacks on the freedom of speech on social media.”
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