Can you be fired for not using your colleague's "preferred pronouns”?
Legally, yes. In its 2020 Bostock decision, the Supreme Court expanded protections under federal civil rights laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity. This decision perverted the original meaning of the Civil Rights Act, which refers only to “sex,” and was intended to protect women from discrimination and harassment at work.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the government agency tasked with enforcing the Civil Rights Act. Under the Biden administration, the EEOC has been pushing the LGBTQIA+ agenda as one of its top priorities. Regarding pronouns specifically, the EEOC has stated, “Although accidental misuse of a transgender employee’s preferred name and pronouns does not violate Title VII [of the Civil Rights Act], intentionally and repeatedly using the wrong [sic] name and pronouns to refer to a transgender employee could contribute to an unlawful hostile work environment.”
In other words, refusing to use “preferred pronouns” is potentially unlawful, putting both you and your employer at risk of legal action. This is a sufficient basis for your employer to fire you.
There is a catch, however. The Civil Rights Act also prohibits discrimination based on religion.
There is a catch, however. The Civil Rights Act also prohibits discrimination based on religion. This includes the requirement to reasonably accommodate an employee’s religious beliefs, if the accommodation does not constitute an undue hardship.
So if you have a religious objection to using non-biological pronouns, you can request accommodation. The employer (generally Human Resources) would then need to engage in an “interactive process” or dialogue with you, to determine whether the accommodation can be granted without undue hardship.
Your employer, under pressure from wokeism and its legal department, will likely find that overlooking your “unlawful” conduct is an undue hardship. But making the request for accommodation is one way for you to fight back.
It will also buy more time to look for your next position, on
I tend to agree with the person who said why use pronouns at all? Just use the damn name!
For me, the issue is one of grammar as much as free speech. Using a plural pronoun for a single person is just difficult for me. I have a strong education that includes proper grammar and language. Yes, I am one of those "Karens" who corrects people on social media when they use the incorrect there/they're or too/to/two. It makes my back teeth ache!
What do you think about my solution? That is, to completely avoid ever using personal pronouns when referring to transgendered/dysphoric people. I simply use only their name and never refer to them in the third person by using a pronoun.
I don't mind using their preferred name no matter how incongruent it is. I'll respect their right to prefer whatever name.
Using only their name when otherwise I would have to select a pronoun flies right under the radar until I have to refer to "them" multiple times in a conversation. It becomes a little cumbersome to repeatedly use the person's name instead of a pronoun. When repeated non-usage of pronouns becomes apparent, others realize that I am not playing…
Fuchthishiza and this whole shizzy Cuntree. The supreme court is joke, they don't make laws. And when Marxist shite laws are being accepted by the dumBASS sheeple. I will not comply. There's only a small percentage of mentally ill perverts and we don't need to protect em, we need to lock emtheFU CUP!
First of all this is not a civil issue. It doesn't matter what the supreme Court "expanded" it's still a violation of our first amendment right to speech. PERIOD!!! Pronouns are part of the English language, so you can't fire me because of the way that I choose to speak however I can sue you for violating and discriminating against how I choose to speak under the first amendment. And the religious freedom is not a catch it's just the freaking law. Let's stop caving into the woke revolutionaries BS! We have protected rights in this country under State local and federal laws emphasis on laws !!!