“People just want to be who they are, to work hard and build their careers. But too many companies force employees to pledge allegiance to a set of progressive values and policies that violate their faith and compromise their values.”
-- Andrew Crapuchettes, CEO of RedBalloon
(Moscow, Idaho) – Nearly 80% of Americans said they are more likely to support companies that stayed out of politics and didn’t try to push a social agenda on their employees and customers, according to a survey by Trafalgar Group conducted in partnership with the Convention of States Action.
“Most Americans don’t appreciate activist companies that force an agenda on their employees,” said RedBalloon CEO Andrew Crapuchettes. “Employees just want to work hard and be recognized for the value they bring. Customers want to find the goods and services that provide for their needs. Neither group wants to be forced to compromise their values and violate their faith.”
“This is one of the primary drivers of the current discontentment in the workplace,” continued Crapuchettes. “We see it every day at RedBalloon, as job seekers come to our job board fleeing toxic workplace culture where they were forced to choose between their job and their values.”
If you would like to interview Andrew Crapuchettes, contact Isaac Lopez at (208) 997 – 8013 or isaac@redballoon.work.
RedBalloon CEO Andrew Crapuchettes is a longtime business leader, entrepreneur, and innovator in the technology industry. He has founded several successful tech-focused companies and is widely considered a global pioneer in the development and use of labor market data analytics – an industry he helped found over 20 years ago. He served as the founding CEO of Emsi (now Lightcast) - which brought market-changing innovations to how higher education, corporations, and governments approach the labor market.
In 2021, Andrew founded RedBalloon, which has quickly become America’s largest connectors of employers and job seekers who prioritize workplace culture. Crapuchettes’ is a frequent presenter at technology and business conferences, and a frequent guest on business and technology news and influencer podcasts.
To find out more, explore redballoon.work. For questions or interview requests, contact Isaac Lopez at isaac@redballoon.work.
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