“This is yet more proof that workplace contentment eludes many companies, and more money isn’t the answer,” - Andrew Crapuchettes, CEO of RedBalloon
(Moscow, Idaho) – According to a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, over half of 2022 “Great Resignation” job hoppers gained pay increases greater than the rate of inflation. But, despite the improved finances, 80% of those who quit their jobs during the Great Resignation now regret that decision, according to a Paychex study which first quantified the phenomenon now labeled the “Great Regret.”
“What has happened to the American workplace that so many are discontent?” asked RedBalloon CEO Andrew Crapuchettes. “We have to remember why people choose careers. Most are looking for work that’s fulfilling, for work environments that are enjoyable and productive, with clear and achievable paths for advancement.”
“But, the Great Regret is more proof that workplace contentment eludes many companies, and more money isn’t the answer,” continued Crapuchettes. “Companies need to examine the policies they’ve allowed to creep into the workplace over the past few years and see if they’re producing the desired results. The data would suggest that recent workplace polices have backfired and produced unhappy workplace culture.”
“At RedBalloon, our resume file has grown by 37% in just the last month, as job searchers continue to search for contentment in their careers,” noted Crapuchettes. “Most are telling us they’re escaping toxic workplaces where they’ve not felt valued for their accomplishments and merit.”
If you would like to interview Andrew Crapuchettes, contact Isaac Lopez at (208) 997 – 8013 or isaac@redballoon.work.
RedBalloon CEO Andrew Crapuchettes is a longtime business leader, entrepreneur, and innovator in the technology industry. He has founded several successful tech-focused companies and is widely considered a global pioneer in the development and use of labor market data analytics – an industry he helped found over 20 years ago. He served as the founding CEO of Emsi (now Lightcast) - which brought market-changing innovations to how higher education, corporations, and governments approach the labor market.
In 2021, Andrew founded RedBalloon, which has quickly become America’s largest connectors of employers and job seekers who prioritize workplace culture. Crapuchettes’ is a frequent presenter at technology and business conferences, and a frequent guest on business and technology news and influencer podcasts.
To find out more, explore redballoon.work. For questions or interview requests, contact Isaac Lopez at isaac@redballoon.work.