Relevant Press
Joe Biden Considers Declaring National Public Health Emergency if Roe v. Wade Overturned - Breitbart
“Biden would use the declaration of a public health emergency to shield doctors from legal liability for treating patients in a state where they are not licensed, according to a report in the New York Times.”
“Leaked material from Google provided exclusively to Breitbart News give a behind-the-scenes glimpse of a feature rolled out to business and enterprise users of Google Docs that suggests woke-approved replacements for words like ‘man,’ ‘woman,’ ‘white,’ and ‘master’ as users type.”
“More than two years into a pandemic that has altered our approach to work, corporations are shelling out for extravagant retreats to celebrate the return to office. They’re sparing no expense as they send their employees to lavish hotels and scenic ranches, all in the name of ‘team-building’ and ‘bonding.’ The problem is: The workers don’t want to go. After adjusting to work-from-home life, they say they’d prefer cash bonuses to trips and resent losing time to unwanted travel.”
“A state judge ruled that the New York City's Yeshiva University was a non-religious organization and therefore must approve the creation of an LGBT club under the city's anti-discrimination law.”
“Walt Disney Co. has pushed back its announced move of employees to Florida from California by three years.”
“Stuart Kirk, global head of responsible investing at HSBC's asset management division, made the speech titled ‘Why investors need not worry about climate risk’ during the Financial Times Moral Money Summit which was held on May 19.”
RedBalloon in the News
If Roe v. Wade Is Overturned: How Politics Impact Business [Op-Ed] - Tennessee Conservative
“Given this commitment to abortion ‘rights’ or abortion restrictions, the potential overturn of Roe v. Wade, and the lesser known Planned Parenthood v. Casey, could dramatically impact business, particularly through the labor market.”
Spouting Off, June 10, 2022 - Spouting Off
“Spouting Off with Karen Kataline and guests Andrew Crapuchettes and David Morgan Guest #1: Andrew Crapuchettes Andrew Crapuchettes is the visionary behind RedBalloon, which is a free speech job site.”