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Daily Red Alert - 11/2/22

Writer: RedBalloonRedBalloon

Relevant Press

“Private payroll job growth rose faster than expected in October, suggesting that companies are continuing to hire new workers despite growing fears of an economic slowdown, according to the ADP National Employment Report released Wednesday morning.”

“In fact, the study shows recognition can help mitigate the $322 billion cost of global turnover and lost productivity, as organizations can experience an opportunity loss of $20 million for every 10,000 workers due to low wellbeing and its drain on performance.”

“Parsons explained that the primary motivation behind buying the sign was to grab people's attention. He said the business attracted three solid applicants within 24 hours and that there is no longer a need for the sign.”

“Rent delinquency was already at a six-month low at 30 percent in September, but that figure has now increased by seven points to 37 percent, according to small business referral network Alignable.”

“Justin Lindsey, the operator of the Chick-fil-A location, told QSR Magazine earlier this month that he started using the schedule back in February. Under it, participating employees are grouped into one of two ‘pods’ that switch off working three consecutive days of 13 or 14-hour shifts, he said.”

RedBalloon in the News

“Highlights: ‘I think you’re going to see red states continue to win and blue states continue to lose until they change their policy.’ - Andrew Crapuchettes ‘Our rights are not given to us by our government, our rights are given to us by God.’ - Andrew Crapuchettes ‘We want to empower the American workers to stand up and be courageous and also understand the responsibilities that come along with those rights.’ - Andrew Crapuchettes.”

The Daily Red Alert is a collection of stories that relate to the issues of freedom in the workplace, business, and the US economy.


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