I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I hope you eat lots of ham, drink lots of eggnog, and enjoy time with your family.
Christmas is a time when ‘joy to the world’ is the theme of the season. Here at RedBalloon.work, joy is our theme all year long.
Our mission is to bring joy back to the workplace. We’re here for the millions of Americans who are experiencing the joy-crushing impact of the woke work environment.
Looking Back
Last Christmas, companies across America were instituting vaccine mandates as the federal deadline approached, and Americans across the country were losing their jobs.
I remember one young man reaching out to thank RedBalloon for taking a stand for freedom in the workplace. He was the sole provider for his pregnant wife and toddler, and he had just lost his job. He applied for a new job on RedBalloon.work, got an interview, and received an offer right before Christmas.
Best Christmas Present Ever
I can’t think of a better Christmas present than being able to connect freedom-loving Americans with companies where they can be free, live out their values, and experience joy in their jobs. That is what brings me joy.
This year at RedBalloon, we were thrilled to place thousands of Americans in jobs at companies that have pledged to respect the constitutional freedoms of their employees. Yes, there are still businesses across America that honor their employees’ God-given rights.
More and more Americans are starting to search for these companies. Over the last year, our site has seen well over a million job searches by job seekers who are trying to find fulfillment at work once again.
It’s been an honor to be here for them, and it’s been exciting to see other companies stand with us to serve these freedom-loving Americans. This is exactly why we partnered with our friends over at PublicSq., and why we formed the Indie Tech Council with several other pro-freedom tech companies.
Let Freedom Ring!
There is much to celebrate and be thankful for this season. Americans are standing up for freedom all over the country. They are actively working to restore freedom, not only in the government, but in the public square, the public schools, and the place where they spend most of their life – the workplace.
Here’s to a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a job that brings you JOY.